Perfect Victims: Six Suspense Stories

Perfect Victims: Six Suspense Stories

I’m really excited to see this lovely anthology become available for sale. This is a collection of short suspense stories which evolved from the lovely work of the writers who took my Comma Press Writing Short Crime Fiction Course in Summer 2024.

Six perfect victims are pushed to their limits, but are they all as innocent as they claim? A student signs up for a life-threatening online experiment, while a woman with cancer sees her elderly parents unravel over a series of video calls. No one believes the teen who’s watched her friends disappear into a black SUV one by one, or the mother suffering from postpartum depression who claims her clothes and jewellery are going missing. A young woman running a luxury hotel is driven over the edge by her jealous housekeeper, and a caretaker ruled by his anger finds his life spinning out of control. This thrilling anthology showcases stories by Laura Jacquemond, Susan King, Katharina Landfried, Jeanette Russo, Elizabeth Sherwin and Daniela Urquidi – exciting contemporary suspense writers whose short fiction will keep you turning the pages long into the night!